marți, 16 septembrie 2008

Cand toate se tin tin

Dupa o perioada destul de lunga cu Ups and without any Downs, s-a intamplat si reversul.
Pe neasteptate, cum se intampla de obicei, prin invaluire chiar, pentru ca daca se intampla ceva se tin lant, am pierdut ceva, pe cineva, de fapt chiar doua persoane .. (exactly my point).
Prima, fara vointa, fara dreptul de a alege, era pur si simplu timpul. A plecat si nu se mai intoarce. Iar apoi a doua, 'a quitter', care s-ar putea intoarce oricand .. dar pentu ce? People change. Changes are good. Weird some times but for the best, right? I hope so, i lean to think so, i need it and i seek it. And when they come i will treasure the moment. Because it will pass.. to a greater good probably. I'll dream of that until then.

I love you and i will miss you

"Lonely rivers flow to the sea
To the waiting arms of the sea
Lonely rivers cry, wait for me
To the open arms of the sea"

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